It’s time to create Your Urban Paradise

YES, GROW YOUR OWN VEGGIES, in just 4 simple steps, without overwhelm, and with lots of fun. 

Start Your Urban Paradise


You can start the course all year round. But the early bird fee only lasts another:



In your own garden or on your own balcony!

You will receive all information you need step by step per email and it's also availble in our private Facebook Group 'Your Urban Paradise'.


Benefit of the special early season price!

Join this 4 week course now for only:

Transform your balcony or terrace in town into a healthy, sustainable and beautiful urban paradise.

Join Émely and many other vegetable lovers in growing their own on a balcony or terrace in town. You don't need much space, nor much time or much strength. It is possible to do this the EASY way:

🌱small spaces 🌱with many vegetables 🌱without hard work 🌱in just 5 minutes per day.

With Émely's Easy Urban Gardening System

You don't need much space

We work on spaces as of 30x30cm/1 square foot and any multiple of that. So depending on your personal situation you can have a garden of multiple single units (stacked on a rack) or a garden of a multiple of 30x30 cm.

You don't need much time

If you know how to, you can maintain your Easy Urban Garden in just 5 minutes per day! And of course more if you like...

You don't need much strength

We work in small gardens, mainly designed as raised beds, so no need for hard physical work like digging or crawling on your hands and knees.

You don't need much knowledge

During the course Émely will help you with every step of the way to your perfect Easy Urban Garden. That will save you so much time trying to find it out for yourself!

"This is the perfect place to start if you have a balcony in town, and a big dream of having your very own lush garden paradise! Émely guides you through this on-line experience with her expertise and super practical advice, all delivered with a big, sunny smile! I can't recommend this course warmly enough, it's been such a delightful experience!"

Karin, YUP 2022

You will get

4 Your Urban Paradise modules

In 4 easy steps Émely wil teach you how to design, build, plan and sow your own urban paradise.

Coaching video's

Weekly video's explaining all the essential techniques.

Live Q&A's and access to the private Facebook group

Ask Émely all your questions about your garden. You will learn from your own questions and answers, as well as other gardeners' questions and answers.

Downloadable worksheets and digital garden planner

You will get your step-by-step instructions as well as the garden planner to use not only this year, but many years of Easy Urban Gardening to come.

Yes! I'm in!

"Shout out to Émely - her knowledge was the gardening kickstart I had been looking for 🙂 She makes it so easy!"

Becca, EUG client 2022

Meet Émely

The founder of Easy Urban Gardening, Émely, is dedicated to teaching conscious consumerism and healthy eating.

A few years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and on her road to recovery, she became very connected to the impact the food we eat has on our health, body, mind and environment. She was also shocked to learn that most vegetables loose up to 95% of their vitamins and minerals within days after harvesting. She became determined in finding a way to grow her own vegetables free of chemicals and being able to consume them fresh from the garden, retaining more of their precious nutrients.

But she..

>> had no garden and not that much space at all. 

>> wasn't willing, and honestly at the time not even able to do the physical work like digging and crawling on her knees.

>> didn't want to spend all her spare time in a garden.

So she designed her Easy Urban Gardening System that works on minimum space, with minimal efforts and you still get maximum yields.


I have a really small balcony; can I still grow my own vegetables?

Yes you can! As long as you have space for a pot of 30x30 cm (1 sq. foot) and your balcony has sun most of the time.

How much yield can I realise in such a small space?

1 pot / patch of 30x30cm can generate up to 7 different vegetables a year. You can for example harvest 4 chard plants, 16 radishes, 4 lettuce heads, 4 pak choi, 16 carrots, 9 rocket plants and peas from 9 winter pea plants. An Easy Urban Garden of around 1 square meter can produce up to 20kg of food.

How do I know what to grow and when?

Within the Your Urban Paradise course I’ll teach you exactly what vegetables are best for small spaces and how many of them you can grow in one patch.

I don’t have green fingers.

That’s why I designed an EASY Urban Gardening System and this course to guide you through the process from designing, building, planning and sowing. Accompanied by easy step-by-step handouts, videos, weekly Q&A sessions and the special Facebook group for support.

I am really busy, so a garden is not for me.

Are you really sure about that? An Easy Urban Garden can be maintained in full swing with only 5 minutes work per day! 🕰 Besides, time outside in your garden gives you a lot more than future vegetables; it gives you regular me-time, time to de-stress and unwind from a busy day and it gives you the opportunity to reconnect to nature which is good for our general and psychological health & well-being.

How soon can I expect results?

We work with Mother Nature and we all know that she has her very own pace, which is not ours to dictate. But having said that, depending on the type of vegetables, of course the weather and your personal situation you can expect to see your first seedlings as quick as in 6-10 days.

I have back pain / damaged knees / weak wrists / ….., so I can’t do gardening work.

Easy Urban Gardening is based on gardening in raised beds, so no bending, digging or crawling around. And I am sure that you can find someone to help you with the one time job of filling your garden with soil. Especially if you offer some amazing home grown veggies in return 🥒🍅. In the end I designed the system and worked my own gardens while I was going through chemotherapy and couldn't do any physical hard work myself.

We go on holidays every summer and then my garden will dry out.

Well I go on holiday at least twice a year between early spring and late autumn and never have trouble finding someone to water my gardens two or three times a week. But that might mainly be because I always offer to allow them to harvest what is ripe in exchange for watering 😉. Of course you could also go all the way OTT, and instal a watering system with a computerised timer, but that is way less fun for your neighbors 😂

I am not sure whether growing vegetables is for me.

Well this program is for you if ...

🌱 ... you have never been able to keep a plant alive as you’ll get the crucial information to set yourself up for success. 

🌱 ... you have your window sill full of little pots with herbs and maybe some mini vegetables and you want to make the step to a bigger garden on your balcony or your terrace. 

🌱 ... you are a seasoned gardener, but struggling for whatever reason to keep your big garden going. This course shows you how to reduce the size of your garden and still have big yields.

So there is something in it for everybody. And I'll guide you through all the steps to start your vegetable garden and enjoy the abundance and benefits of harvesting your own vegetables.

Read This Carefully

Easy Urban Gardening has a no refund policy.

I believe guarantees offer an excuse for people to give up - it's for those who expect miracles without taking action or doing the work. For people who sit on their hand and wonder why nothing's changing.

If that is you, you're in the wrong place, and I wish you all the best.


Easy Urban Gardening is packed with value, but you have to get your hands dirty and have faith.

We work with Mother Nature at her own pace along her very own paths and we all know that she is not to be rushed nor to be dictated.

I guarantee that I work with this system myself for years now, but things in a garden come as they come.

I guarantee that if you get your hands in the ground, ask questions in the community and take advantage of the Q&A sessions you will get Your Urban Paradise that delivers a huge yield for the small space it takes

All you need to do is show up, keep an open mind, share your experiences and try new things.

If you can do that, your garden will bring rewards larger than just nice vegetables.

Yes, I want my Urban Paradise!