How to realise a continuous harvest over the seasons.

Spring, Summer or Autumn. Even winter gardening is possible.

Fresh greens from your own garden is absolute luxury and as healthy as possible.

And you can have it! Done-With-You!

You want to eat super fresh, organic vegetables free of toxics and pesticides.

There is no better time in history than right now to take back control over what comes on your plate and take your health in your own hands by starting your very own vegetable garden. BUT...

You love vegetables, and know little about growing your own.

You live in town and don't have a garden.

You don't want to or aren't able to do the hard work that traditionally comes with gardening.

You have a busy life and don't want to spend all your spare time maintaining a garden.

Imagine there was a system that makes growing your own herbs & vegetables easy.

Imagine you being guided through every crucial step.

Imagine a system that is specifically designed for balconies, terraces and other tiny spaces.

Imagine your garden being designed in a way that requires no crawling, digging or repetitive hard work.

Imagine a garden you can maintain in just 5 minutes per day

How would you feel if you could:

🌱 grow your own vegetables on minimum space with minimum effort 

🌱 eat the freshest, healthiest and tastiest organic vegetables guaranteed pesticides free,

🌱 grown out of GMO-free seeds

🌱 lower your carbon footprint, food waste and plastic use at the same time

🌱 take back full control and live healthier by freeing up say 60x60 cm of your balcony or terrace

🌱 and sacrificing only 5 minutes of your time every day?

Wouldn’t you feel super proud if you could just take two or three steps outside and pick some beautiful, lush, fresh vegetables you grew yourself?

Wouldn’t that make you feel good?


Yes it is possible!

With Easy Urban Gardening

You don't need much space

We work on spaces as of 30x30cm/1 square foot and any multiple of that. So depending on your personal situation you can have a garden of multiple single units (stacked on a rack) or a garden of 60x60cm/4sq. foot, 120x30cm/4sq. foot, 120x60cm/8sq. foot , 90x90cm/9sq. foot or maybe even two or three gardens of different sizes like I have.

You don't need much time

You can maintain an Easy Urban Garden in just 5 minutes per day, although you might want to spend more time in it...

You don't need much strength

We work in small gardens, mainly designed as raised beds, so no need for hard physical work like digging or crawling on your hands and knees.

Meet Émely.

The founder of Easy Urban Gardening, Émely is dedicated to teaching conscious consumerism and healthy eating.

A few years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and on her road to recovery, she became very connected to the impact the food we eat has on our health, body, mind and environment. She was also shocked to learn that most vegetables loose up to 95% of their vitamins and minerals within days after harvesting. She became determined in finding a way to grow her own vegetables free of chemicals and being able to consume them fresh from the garden, retaining more of their precious nutrients.

But she..

>> had no garden and not that much space at all. 

>> wasn't willing, and honestly at the time not even able to do the physical work like digging and crawling on her knees.

>> didn't want to spend all her spare time in a garden.

So she designed her Easy Urban Gardening System that works on minimum space, with minimal efforts and you still get maximum yields.

Get Your Urban Garden


🌱 Design and set up your ideal garden

🌱 Sow the vegetables you like most

🌱 Plan your garden and realise big yields

🌱 Learn all the crucial growing techniques

🌱 Grow all those summer favourites

I guide you through the whole process with 7 coaching calls of 60 minutes that you can book

over a period of 12 months and my unique step-by-step workbook

I had a great coaching session with Émely. I planted many vegetables because they were said to be easy, but in the end I had absolutely no idea what to do. Together we went through my vegetable garden to see what was in there, we made a plan and I made my garden more productive, more efficient and more varied. Émely then also gave me some great recipe ideas. Time flew by and was way too short. I would have liked to learn more from her! I can recommend her to everyone and I'm sure I'll take another course with her!” 

~ Nicolette K. ~

Your Urban Garden


Course Modules:

🌱 Easy Urban Gardening System

🌱 Your plants

🌱 Planning

🌱 Growing techniques

🌱 Transplants

🌱 Harvest & Eat

During the course we will:

🌱 Get clarity on your why? what? and how?

🌱 Dive deep into the Easy Urban Gardening System

🌱 Learn about the different vegetables, herbs and fruits that work in a small sized garden

🌱 Discover all about plant sizes, plant families, crop rotation and companion planting

🌱 Make a real garden plan to maximise your yields

🌱 Master the crucial growing techniques like sowing, watering & thinning

🌱 Manage the techniques of growing transplants (=the all time favourite summer veggies like tomatoes and zucchini)

🌱 Learn when to ideally harvest your vegetables and what to do with them (storage, preparing & eating)

Yes, I want my new garden

Émely’s Course was so inspiring and so fun to take! Before I was planting vegetables in my raised bed without knowing anything and I really was not very successful. I even thought about giving up! After this coaching I have a lot of knowledge about what went wrong and how I can have an easier life plus a better harvest. I now have an "Idiot proof" system, how to grow my veggies in front of my kitchen on my balcony! And I really love that.

~ Nicole ~

Start Your Garden Today

and Take Control Over Your (and your family's) Health:

🌱 Home-grown vegetables are super tasty, but more important they have a higher nutritional value than store bought vegetables. Most vegetables lose up to 90% of their vitamins and minerals within a few hours-days after harvesting

🌱 Growing your own makes it easier to eat more vegetables. Research shows that upto 75% of the consumers in the western world admit to not eating enough vegetables and the majority feels guilty about it. Those who garden eat about twice as much vegetables as before. 

🌱 Reconnect to nature, appreciating it’s pace, sounds and smells

🌱 Have your daily wind-down / de-stress moment in your garden

🌱 You'll feel more uplifted as you embrace the positive effects of anticipation that come with gardening

🌱 Experience a growing self-esteem by taking care & nurturing your vegetables

🌱 Studies show that gardening leads to reductions in depression, anxiety, BMI and mood disorders and at the same time it increases life satisfaction, quality of life, cognitive function, physical activity and sense of community.

🌱 Give your children the invaluable gift of connection to nature, love for vegetables, understanding of the seasons, acceptance for things not being available, respect for their surroundings and learning the responsibility of taking care. 

Workbook with 6 Garden Modules

covering different seasons, techniques and special knowhow including instructions and handouts


7 Coaching Calls

60 minute calls to dive deep into your personal situation


Downloadable Handouts

Step-by-step instructions


Émely's Digital Garden Planner

To keep and use for all your future years of gardening.


Emely provides a structure that's not at all complicated. She covered everything I'd need to start a garden without overwhelming me with info. She simplifies gardening for any aspiring gardener.

~ Cecile ~

I love that everything is laid out so easily and in such an understandable fashion. Even beginners can start a vegetable garden and be successful.

~ Amy ~

Let's talk about your chance to change your life by creating an amazing garden to be proud of, to benefit from health wise and to enjoy!

$ 1497,- USD

(or three monthly payments of $ 599,-)

Book your call
Join right now

Payment plan available. Need help or have a question? Email me at

Enrol Now and Get these Amazing Bonuses.

Bonus #1: Émely's Sowing Calendar with all her Pro-Tips

Growing vegetables is not just about knowing what to sow when. It's also about how to sow, about companion planting and about little tricks like soaking seeds or not and pre-germinating seeds or not etc.

This little booklet gives you all the insides you need to succeed with your winter & spring garden.

Bonus #2: Easy Plant Bag

Exactly 30x30cm, made of recycled pet bottles, of course 100% safe and 100% compliant with the Easy Urban Gardening System. Colour depending on availability (now also available in blue).

We all know it, it has to be healthier, preferably faster, still fun and not too difficult. The answer is, be more aware and work on a number of fronts to find more balance. Émely her programs are in line with the ideas of contemporary food preparation, infused with her very unique creativity, imagination and passion for honest and beautiful ingredients.

~ Emmanuel Mertens, 2 Michelin Star Chef ~

Let's talk about your chance to change your life by creating an amazing garden to be proud of, to benefit from health wise and to enjoy!

$ 1497,- USD

(or three monthly payments of $ 599,-)

Payment plan available. Need help or have a question? Email me at


I have a really small balcony; can I still grow my own vegetables?

Yes you can as long as you have space for a pot of 30x30 cm (1 sq. foot) and your balcony has sun most of the time.

How much yield can I realise in such a small space?

1 pot / patch of 30x30cm can generate up to 7 different vegetables a year. You can for example harvest 4 chard plants, 16 radishes, 4 lettuce heads, 4 pak choi, 16 carrots, 9 rocket plants and peas from 9 winter pea plants. An Easy Urban Garden of around 1 square meter can produce up to 20kg of food.

How do I know what to grow and when?

Within the WInter & Spring Garden course I’ll teach you exactly that, besides you’ll get Émely’s Sowing Calendar which tells you exactly what to grow when. You’ll also learn which vegetables are best for small spaces and how many for them you can grow in one patch.

I don’t have green fingers.

That’s why I designed an EASY Urban Gardening System and this in depth course to guide you through the whole process from setting up your gardening, sowing, growing, transplanting and much more. Accompanied by easy step-by-step handouts, live coaching, regular Q&A sessions and the special Facebook group for support.

I am really busy, so a garden is not for me.

Are you really sure about that? An Easy Urban Garden can be maintained in full swing with only 5 minutes work per day! 🕰 Besides, time outside in your garden gives you a lot more than future vegetables; it gives you regular me-time, time to de-stress and unwind from a busy day and it gives you the opportunity to reconnect to nature which is good for our general and psychological health & well-being.

How soon can I expect results?

We work with Mother Nature and we all know that she has her very own pace, which is not ours to dictate. But having said that, depending on the type of vegetables, of course the weather and your personal situation you can expect to see your first seedlings in about 6-8 weeks.

I have back pain / damaged knees / weak wrists / ….., so I can’t do gardening work.

Easy Urban Gardening is based on gardening in raised beds, so no need to bend, dig or crawl around. And as you can easily adjust the size of your garden to your personal situation, there is even not much lifting etc. involved. And I am sure that you can find someone to help you with the one time job of filling your garden with soil. Especially if you offer some amazing home grown veggies in return 🥒🍅. In the end I designed the system and worked my own gardens while I was going through chemotherapy and couldn't do any physical hard work myself.

We go on holidays every summer and then my garden will dry out.

Well I go on holiday at least twice a year between early spring and late autumn and never have trouble finding someone to water my gardens two or three times a week. But that might mainly be because I always offer to allow them to harvest what is ripe in exchange for watering 😉. Of course you could also go all the way OTT, and instal a watering system with a computerised timer, but that is way less fun for your neighbors 😂

I am not sure whether growing vegetables is for me.

Well this program is for you if ...

🌱 ... you have never been able to keep a plant alive as you’ll get the crucial information to set yourself up for success. 

🌱 ... you have your window sill full of little pots with herbs and maybe some mini vegetables and you want to make the step to a bigger garden on your balcony or your terrace. 

🌱 ... you are a seasoned gardener, but struggling for whatever reason to keep your big garden going. This course shows you how to reduce the size of your garden and still have big yields.

So there is something in it for everybody. And I'll guide you through all the steps to start your vegetable garden and enjoy the abundance and benefits of harvesting your own vegetables.

This program is NOT for you if ...

  •  your balcony or terrace is facing north and won’t get any substantial amount of hours of sunlight
  • you don’t like vegetables
  • you don't want to live a healthier live
  • you don't wan to improve your general wellbeing
  • you don't want t be a great example for your children or the little ones in your extended family
  • you are NOT looking for a different, new way to garden and just want to keep your big traditional garden

Read This Carefully

Easy Urban Gardening has a no refund policy.

I believe guarantees offer an excuse for people to give up - it's for those who expect miracles without taking action or doing the work. For people who sit on their hand and wonder why nothing's changing.

If that is you, you're in the wrong place, and I wish you all the best.


Easy Urban Gardening is packed with value, but you have to get your hands dirty and have faith.

We work with Mother Nature at her own pace along her very own paths and we all know that she is not to be rushed nor to be dictated.

I guarantee that I work with this system myself for years now, but things in a garden come as they come.

I guarantee that if you get your hands in the ground, ask questions in the community, take advantage of the Q&A sessions and are prepared for the coaching calls you will get a vegetable garden that delivers a huge yield for the small space it takes

I guarantee you get all the support, structure, directions and advice you need to overcome your challenges, gain confidence and realise your goals.

All you need to do is show up, keep an open mind, share your experiences and try new things. If you can do that, your garden will bring rewards larger than just nice vegetables.

A year from today you can still be where you are right now. Or you could have changed your life.

Your opportunity to take back control over what comes on your plate and take your health in your own hands is here.

There is no better time.

This is your moment.

Start your very own vegetable garden right now.

Imagine the joy and happiness of a real garden, the health benefits that come with it, the incredible gift of alignment with nature for you and your family and the super tasty meals you'll enjoy together.

I believe that is all possible and I am honoured and proud to help you get there!

See you in your garden,

Let's talk about your chance to change your life by creating an amazing garden to be proud of, to benefit from health wise and to enjoy!

$ 1497,- USD

(or three monthly payments of $ 599,-)

Book your call

Payment plan available. Need help or have a question? Email me at

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